Learn about the science of safety – the science of feeling safe enough to fall in love with life and take the risks of living. ~ Deb Dana

Would you like to nourish and awaken your nervous system so that you feel better, think better and connect better?

Now, more than ever, the world is a busy place filled with uncertainty. When you’re faced with what your body perceives as a threat or danger, it responds by re-tuning your nervous system into one of the states of defence: fight, flight or freeze.

Your brain and body’s first priority is to keep you alive.

Your nervous system is responsible for gastrointestinal functions, pain perception, emotional regulation, behaviour, mood, sleep and, well – pretty much everything!

When your nervous system is continually in a chronic state of defence (think: daily stress, driving in traffic, siren sounds, etc) it affects both your mind and body. This not only impacts how you feel, think, and connect with those around you, it also adversely affects your health and day-to-day experiences in the world.

A calm nervous system supports healthy growth and development.

Why try the Safe and Sound Protocol?

Stimulate regulation of your nervous system to initiate improvements in learning, sleep patterns, digestive disorders, response to other therapies, or response to emotional triggers.

SSP helps with the following conditions:

  • PTSD
  • anxiety
  • inattention
  • emotional control
  • hearing sensitivity
  • behavioural organisation
  • trauma related challenges
  • autism spectrum disorders
  • stressors that impact social engagement
  • difficulty listening and following instructions

The Safe and Sound Protocol is a proven solution that employs a practical bottom-up approach to help you regulate your nervous system more consistently and independently, in order to better receive, process and respond to the cues and signals from the world around you. This helps you learn more easily and consistently feel better regulated in the face of life’s challenges.

The protocol was developed by behavioural neuroscientist Dr Stephen Porges during 1994. It is an effective therapeutic tool backed by 20 years of clinical research demonstrating effectiveness in helping children and adults with a history of trauma or developmental delays.

Contact me to see if you're a fit for the SSP

Tunes that retune

The SSP uses a wide variety of music, including some that you may already be familiar with. All the music in the SSP playlists are thoughtfully sequenced and filtered through the patented, evidence-based algorithm backed by decades of scientific research.

This is an example of the full-spectrum sound frequencies in a typical unfiltered clip of popular music.

Here is the exact same clip — after being filtered through the SSP’s algorithm.

What does the music sound like?

The SSP contains several vocal and non-vocal music playlists and levels of filtration to help you support client engagement and participation in the listening process. Multiple vocal and non-vocal playlists allow the SSP to be accessible to many populations, and allow you to customize delivery for your client.

Here is an example of vocal music, filtered through the SSP’s algorithm.

Here is an example of equally impactful non-vocal music, filtered through the SSP’s algorithm.

What can you do to help your nervous system help you do life better?

The Safe and Sound Protocol (SSP) is a proven solution that employs a practical bottom-up approach to help you regulate your nervous system more consistently and independently.

It is designed to help your nervous system to better receive, process and respond to the cues and signals from the world around you. This helps you learn more easily and consistently feel better regulated in the face of life’s challenges.

The SSP’s effectiveness has been proven in a wide range of studies, most notably in two clinical trials involving children with Autism Spectrum Disorder. Trial participants demonstrated statistically significant improvements in:

  • Emotional control
  • Behavioral organization
  • Hearing sensitivity and listening
  • Reducing pain sensitivity

Basically, the SSP teaches your body to remain in a calm state and resets your body’s ability to calm itself and engage in normal learning and social interactions.

Frequently Asked Questions & Answers

The SSP is an Acoustic Vagal Stimulator, designed to stimulate nervous system regulation by exercising and systematically challenging the auditory (hearing) system with specifically processed music through a 5-hour listening intervention. This is achieved through specially filtered music that trains your neural network associated with listening to focus on the frequency range of the human voice. What you hear, and how you hear it, influences how your body responds.

The Vagus nerve is the longest and most complex of the cranial nerves. It runs from your brain, through your face and thorax, to your abdomen. By stimulating your vagus nerve, you can send a message to your body that it’s time to relax and de-stress, which leads to long-term improvements in mood, wellbeing and resilience.

Here’s how it works.

You look, speak and listen with the same system. When the voice changes, the body responds. Think of how a baby or a pet responds to your voice. As you learn to focus on the sound frequencies of human speech through the SSP program, your vagus nerve becomes stimulated and the state of feeling safer and calmer becomes accessible.

A set of headphones attached to your phone or iPod plays specially treated music designed to train your ear muscles to perceive the human voice the way they are supposed to, and to tune out irrelevant frequencies. This helps prime your nervous system by exposing it to different sound frequencies.

Listening to these playlists through over-the-ear headphones helps the nervous system to more readily achieve balance. Included in the playlists are popular tracks by greats like The Beatles, Pharrell Williams, U2, Katrina and the Waves, Ella Fitzgerald, Stevie Wonder, Taylor Swift, and many more! If you don’t like words, there is a classical version available too. Plus, we’ve just released a cool, laid-back instrumental playlist!

In many people with developmental disorders and trauma backgrounds, the way they perceive the human voice has been altered. This creates a vicious circle where their ears don’t perceive the tone properly and so the nervous system gets messages telling the body to be tense and uptight (fight/flight/freeze).

When your body hears the human voice how it’s supposed to sound (soothing and not abrasive), you start to feel calmer and more engaged in social interactions. This also allows you to be more readily calmed by others, prevents anxiety and meltdowns from social stimulation, and reduces hypersensitivity to sounds – a common feature of autism and PTSD in particular.

The SSP uses music that you may already be familiar with. The music is filtered through an algorithm that enhances intonation changes within the frequency range of the human voice, training the auditory processing system to attune to cues of safety.

A classical playlist is also available as a non-vocal, trauma-sensitive and accessible alternative that maintains the essential elements and original algorithms of the SSP.

Listening sessions vary, depending on information gleaned from intake assessments and client conversations.

As the filtration of the main SSP program is dynamic and progressive, it is important to listen in order and not repeat any sections without my guidance.

In most cases, light movement, breathing exercises, and drawing, coloring or puzzle activities are recommended. High-intensity exercise, cognitively demanding tasks, and video games or computer work are generally not recommended.

  1. The SSP increased vagal regulation of the heart and normalized
    auditory processing in children with ASD. – Read more here
  2. The SSP enhanced social behavior in children with ASD. – Read more here
  3. Using the SSP with children who have experienced
    trauma. Funded by the Australian Childhood Foundation. – Read more
  4. Assessing the effects of the SSP on behavioral regulation in
    children and adults with ADD/ADHD. In cooperation with: ADD
    Centre and Biofeedback Institute of Toronto. – Read more here
  5. Assessing the effects of the SSP on improvement of social and
    regulation behaviors in individuals with PWS.  In addition, a new
    methodology for collecting and evaluating vocal samples for
    analyses of prosody will be assessed. – Read more here
  6. Determining if the SSP can decrease the atypical features of the
    Social Engagement System in adolescents and young adults
    with Prader Willi Syndrome. In cooperation with the Latham
    Centers School in Brewster, Massachusetts. – Read more here
  7. Examining the effects of the SSP on chronic pain in older
    adults. In cooperation with the Meadowood Retirement Community
    in Bloomington, Indiana. – Read more here

SSP ONE-ON-ONE PROGRAMME: In-Practise listening where sessions are monitored.

SSP DIGITAL PROGRAMME: On payment, you are given access to the dedicated app during which time I will be able to monitor your sessions and progress.

Ages: 18 months + 

Contact me to see if you're a fit for the SSP
SSP is a Brand new therapy in South Africa